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Lotus Academy


The Lotus Formula simply works:
The most innovative teaching methods are applied to a classic curriculum creating spectacular progress in our students while ensuring thorough coverage of the material.

We know how each child can learn
deeply and meaningfully by connecting the past to the future.

At the Lotus Academy, we believe the best of the past gives us roots and a bicultural perspective allows us to gain empathy as well as honing our problem solving skills.

Below are the courses we offer, grouped by subject matter.

We offer a classic education with a novel and adaptive teaching method and a rigorously thorough curriculum tailored to meet the varied needs of each student’s learning style. Why do we go to such lengths of innovation?

Because moving half way around the world has made us realize that sometimes we need to look further until we find what we need.  We don’t stop at borders.

As a result, our teaching is not a solitary teaching endeavor: we always support our faculty with preferred specialized learning regimens for each of our subjects that reflect the best of all global offerings.

The Lotus approach is simple:
Let great minds harness great ideas.

For instance, with Math, we’ve adopted three protocols: the Singapore math method, and Kangaroo and Beast Academy Math techniques for our advanced students. At Lotus Academy, we know one size does not fit all.

Tailoring these innovative methods to each student allows for exhilarating leaps of a student’s capabilities within short periods of time. It’s worth it.





Social Studies




Ping Pong

If you have any questions please call us or use the button below to send us a message.